

A new way to use your computer

Beem's headline "A new way to use your computer" is actually a pretty broad statement… but that's part of what makes it effective.

The phrase "A new way" immediately grabs attention by promising innovation. This implies that Beem is offering something different from the status quo — a breath of fresh air.

"To use your computer" is a universally relatable concept. Almost everyone uses a computer in some capacity. It suggests that Beem's innovation applies to general computer interactions vs just a niche application.

The headline is intentionally vague, which can spark curiosity. It doesn't specify what this "new way" is, potentially encouraging viewers to investigate further to understand what Beem offers. While building a waitlist, this builds curiosity in a way that excites potential users.

The simplicity of the headline makes it easy to understand and remember. It doesn't use jargon or complex terms, making it accessible to a broad audience.

However, the vagueness could also be a drawback. Some viewers might prefer a clearer indication of what Beem actually does or how it changes computer usage. But again, while Beem is in waitlist-only mode, this works well.

Overall, this headline is effective in creating intrigue while suggesting innovation. It's broad enough to appeal to a wide audience while promising something novel and potentially revolutionary. The headline invites further exploration, which can be a good strategy for getting potential users to learn more about Beem's upcoming product.

In Beem's words:

We’re striving to change the way people interact with their personal computers.

I wanted to keep our headline simple, and to the point; whilst summarizing our mission. I was inspired by the early days of Apple’s headlines like: “Sorry, no beige.”, and “Say Hello to iMac”. These still get me excited for these products, and I wanted something similarly exciting!

All iterations were very future focused with things like: “Welcome to the future”, and “Experience a new era of computing”, which is still at the bottom of our home page.



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