

We make working with data easy

Outerbase's headline "We make working with data easy" is a simple yet compelling message.

Let's take a look at how this headline came to be and why it works.

In Outerbase's words:

What goes into making a good marketing headline?

If a website is your elevator pitch, the headline is your hook. It should be clear, concise, and resonate with your target audience, encouraging them to stay and continue reading further.

How important is it to consider marketing copy alongside design?

Marketing copy and design are one in the same—together, they form what I’d call “content design.” Effective copy compliments the page design, creating seamless visual flow. It should break naturally across lines, guide the reader’s eye toward the call to action, and blend tonally with your brand’s voice.

How many headline interactions has Outerbase gone through?

So many.

Outerbase is a niche platform in the database world with a lot to offer. Summing up everything we do in a single sentence—especially for both technical and non-technical audiences—is a challenging task.

Overall, our goal is to appeal to those seeking to simplify how they work with their data.

Why does this one work?

It sort-of clicked one day while we were dreaming up headlines for the new site. Some were very specific while others were more general and open-ended. We ultimately landed on one that was straightforward and dead simple: “We make working with data easy.” This statement is the overall thesis behind Outerbase. Though relatively broad, it aligns with everything we offer our customers, allowing us to continually develop new tools and features while staying true to our core message.



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